Team Login Instructions

I recommend not trying this on your phone

Coaches – the following is a step by step instruction guide to log in in to your team account for roster information. Once there, you will be able to see your team roster and each player’s contact info so you can contact their parents and introduce yourself and set up practice times, get jersey sizes (if U10 or above), etc

You can even send e-mails thru the Messages tab to communicate with the players/coaches/managers on the team roster – although once you get started, we suggest group text apps or GroupMe.

STEP #1 – Click the following link (hover over the web address below) to log in to your coach account on gotsoccer (you may need to enter your gotsoccer coach username and password that you used to register as a coach) –, then click on DASHBOARD on far left side.

Next, click on the little person icon (as shown below) third from the right along the green bar across the top, and then click profile

STEP #2 From there, click on Team Management to see your team(s).  

STEP #3 -Then click on your team.

STEP #4 – From there, can click on the Rosters tab to see your roster.


(You’re almost there)

Select the 2024-2025 ARKANSAS YOUTH REGISTRATION EVENT under the Event tab and hit Search.

MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE that you are looking at your 2024-2025 ARKANSAS YOUTH REGISTRATION EVENT before making any calls/e-mails (this will apply to every time you log in).

And whatever you do, DO NOT TOUCH (or even think about touching – you know who you are, Jeremy Corbit!) the ‘Clone Roster’ button.

STEP #5 Click on the names of each player to see their contact info.

We encourage you to set up a group text or use some sort of communication app like GroupMe or WhatsApp to communicate with your team once you get started but initially you’ll want to text or call each of your players’ parents and introduce yourself and set up your first meeting.

Please don’t trust that first communication to e-mail as the new system seems to get redirected to junkmail. You may need to encourage your parents to check their spam/junkmail til you’re sure everyone’s receiving your messages.

Text is still the most immediate and efficient way to communicate about practices and game day changes, if there are any.

If you’re unable to get a hold of someone, e-mail Andy at

Thanks to you all and have a great season!